Using the PCI Booking brand

PCI Booking welcomes those using our service to display the PCI Booking logo on your website and/or marketing materials. As our logo is our most valuable brand asset it must remain consistent and never modified.

Included here are high quality versions of the PCI Booking logo and instructions on how to incorporate them.

PCI Booking logo

The PCI Booking logo is available in three variations. The appropriate version to use is dependent on the background, as demonstrated below. We ask to make any logos used link to the PCI Booking homepage:

Secured by PCI Booking badge

Alternatively, customers using the PCI Booking service may use these “Secured by PCI Booking” badges. We ask to make any logos used link to the PCI Booking homepage:

PCI Booking in text

When referencing PCI Booking in text the entire word “PCI” and the first letter of “Booking” should be capitalized with no other variation.

Correct Colors

RGB: R51 G51 B51
CMYK: C69 M63 Y62 K58
HEX: 333333

RGB: R253 G185 B19 
CMYK: C0 M30 Y99 K0 
HEX: fdb913

RGB: R51 G51 B51
CMYK: C69 M63 Y62 K58
HEX: 333333

RGB: R253 G185 B19 
CMYK: C0 M30 Y99 K0 
HEX: fdb913

RGB: R255 G255 B255
CMYK: C0 M0 Y0 K0
HEX: ffffff

Correct spacing

When using the PCI Booking logo, correct spacing should be granted. The minimum space that should be given on each side is half the height of logo lettering, as demonstrated in the below image.
