Interview With Eyal Nevo – CEO at PCI Booking

In a recent SafetyDetectives interview, Eyal Nevo, CEO of PCI Booking, delves into the origins and evolution of the company. Born from a need to ensure PCI compliance for credit card details in the travel industry, PCI Booking emerged as a pioneering solution. Nevo explains the vital role PCI Booking plays in safeguarding payment processing and facilitating outsourced PCI compliance, particularly within the travel sector. He discusses the immense challenges businesses face in achieving and maintaining PCI compliance and how PCI Booking eases this burden. Additionally, Nevo offers expert advice on best practices for handling payment card data and staying ahead of emerging threats in the payment processing landscape. How did the idea of PCI Booking come about, and what has the journey been like? We had been…

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Card Over The Phone

Successfully remaining PCI compliant requires attention across all methods of accepting payment card data, including telephone. To facilitate telephone bookings, PCI Booking has developed Card Over The Phone. Card Over The Phone enables merchants to remain fully PCI DSS compliant while accepting payment details from customers over telephone calls. This is achieved by removing the requirement for customers to verbally communicate their card details. Instead, a card capture page is accessed through a shared link delivered via SMS or email, which is then completed by the customer themselves. Implementation of Card Over The Phone, in place of the current system of verbal communication, allows merchants to remain PCI compliant without worrying about the PCI compliance issues - some of which that are unique to telephone payment.…

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